This corner has been quiet for more than a year now. Life sometimes takes those turns, when continuing to doggie paddle is simply all you can do for a while. This year rather than teaching full time, my title includes only Mom. And there is plenty to keep me occupied in that, though there are days that it seems I feel a need to add to that title to somehow justify what I do.
This weekend our Saturday included a trip up the mountain to Esquela Sergio palacios for an “end-of-the-year-because-you-can-no-longer-call-it-graduation” celebration. We have worked there for the past several years along with my brother’s Rotary group and a group called Green Hearts who help teach English. They wanted hubby to be Santa and pass out the gifts from Rotary. We got home in time to quickly get lunch for our kids and Jocelyn, (a girl from church whose Mom was at an adult-ed class trying to get her high school diploma) who had accompanied us home before shuffling them off to play practice at church. The shuffle occurred in two rounds as davita came late from soccer practice. A few chores and then off to pick them up with a lunch for davita in hand as she hadn’t eaten and the next thing on the agenda was choir practice. Set a non-working fridge on the back porch, move everything to the temporary replacement and then remember we are teaching children’s church tomorrow. Yes, there’s that and dinner and family devotions and I’ll finish it tomorrow though I will regret it.
sometimes the blessing of more time only makes it seem I accomplish less.
So as i adjust to this new season i am learning to do what it says in “the Family Blessing” ( a great book which talks about blessing our kids with scripture) I am learning to embrace the now-ness of life. …”too often, what flavors each day disappears in the anticiptation of what’s to come. It’s a little like longing for chocolate chip ice cream when butter pecan is still melting in your mouth. Each stage brings its own treasures, gifts that can only be enjoyed for that season. Throw your arms around today, and cherish the gifts it brings.”