So we’ve been back here in Honduras for a week today. And it’s the middle of January already so everyone is over talking about how the Mayan calendar didn’t lead to the end of the world-I’m not even sure how much tourism grew here to see the ruins. So as we look at the year ahead how does one approach a new year with an eternal perspecitve?
Perhaps it’s because I’ve been reading a book on the persecuted church in China. Combine that with the fact that I was the one who needed to find a home for 14 suitcases of “stuff” aquired while in the US. True, most of it will find another home over time and was carried here with that intention. But how do I avoid the American trap of having my time consumed with stuff (aquiring it, organizing it, caring for it, etc) instead of people, who are the only things that last into eternity? My quote for the week was from Platt’s Radical, and basically went,”How is it that a company in Atlanta has done a better job of selling brown sugar water to the world than the church has done to carry the gospel?”
I’m beginning with the disciplines that will place my heart in order. I found that MacArthur one year Bible and I’m starting in July this time so that a missed day doesn’t throw me off and cause me to quit (I’ve read the Pentateuch often-need to make it through all those minor prophets)-maybe I’ll ask my prayer group to help keep me accountable here. And we’re continuing the 52 key memory passages (We did 21 last year). I’m also starting Ann Voscamp’s Romans challenge-it was too much of a “coincidence” that this is also a passage our pastor encourages each of us at church to memorize. Maybe by the end of the year I can have it in English AND spanish.
Once my heart is aligned I can use that Home Management notebook. Throw out the old, reorganize for the new year…Lots of new responsibilities mean I need a place to keep it altogether. I will attempt to be a better communicator. And then to keep that list of grace… Sunshine at last for laundry. The garden that though trampled and cut down will regrow. Progress in my front yard that means new neighbors. Celebrating the coming of another baby this school year to the school family. Jubilant one’s quote, “That’s me, how did they get my picture?!” over a drawing from when I was an infant. Boy #2′s excitement over a new car and responsibility to change titles and insurance. Boy #3′s happy birthday!