So it seems that I am being forced into a new groove this year. And God just must laugh because the new groove is the old one with a twist. When we moved here to Central America and to this school ministry it was quite an adjustment. After years of teaching my own kids at home it was hard to just have them gone all day and share the quiet space with the two littlest ones. Now even these two have grown enough to join their siblings and it is the right thing for our family for now. They are learning Spanish, and how to make their way as a minority, yet still within a very sheltered environment.
As I looked at this school I had wondered, “God why did you bring me here? Him, yes. My kids, ok. But me? I really never wanted to be a teacher. I remember looking at the courses offered in the colleges I toured as a Senior and thinking, “All that’s here for a woman is teaching and nursing and I don’t want either of those.” So I majored in Broadcast Communications-super practical. But for 5 years while we lived in Asia it was an excellent fit as I recorded for short wave radio. Later, in small town Tennessee, I got to narrate the Christmas play and someone in the industry asked why I didn’t do voice work. (Yeah with 7 kids I have LOTS of free time.) But now the new door that is opening involves what I’ve done for more than 25 years-home management.
Perhaps the stint as an English teacher during summer school was His way of softening me up. Hubby laughed when I groaned over having to plan for 5 different levels of English classes. “You told me, ‘I could do that’ and now you get a chance,” he reminded me. Be careful of flippant comments.
So now I cautiously extend my neck to check out this new opportunity. I don’t really have a desire for a “career” as a teacher. And I know kids can absolutely drive you crazy. But I have asked God to give me a heart for these people and this place, and that’s difficult to achieve if you’re not willing to really invest. So for now I am planning, praying… hesitantly stepping out.