I’m still here

Yes, our family is still in Honduras in the same ministry. It’s just that I’ve become mother of 60 very rambunctious middle schoolers and find myself just treading water. After considering taking on the home ec position, I suddenly found myself asked, “Can you start soon, like tomorrow?” Each week has been an enlightening adventure as I get adjusted to the ups and downs of 7th and 8th grade drama and strive to plan a week that’s plenty full of activity. Down time with middle schoolers is a definite problem. And just when  you think you’ve explained every eventuality of a recipe, they find a new mistake to make. In the end I have to fuss at them to clean up their mess. I’ve spent lots of lunch periods with seventh grade boys in detention. At least I know all their names. Some of them make me laugh and others make me want to cry. Next week is our field trip to the fabric store (Lord help me).

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