At this point in the construction process that’s taking place in our yard it’s impossible to access our front door from the road. We quite literally have a moat around the front of our house. When we walked out to church last week we had to cross the boards over the ditch (unfortunately this did not prevent the stray dogs from getting into our garbage-they have no problem jumping the ditch). Today we had a literal caravan of groceries- wheel barrow, wagon and several folks walking with eggs and such. Keeps life interesting.
As we walked out to meet the bus we got an animal display from the guys on the roof nextdoor. The maintenance guys were removing the tin roof to get rid of the bats. It seems they’ve become such a problem that they actually cause dirt to fall from all their scurrying around up there. Hope they don’t move to our house.
Two days ago we had our own “infestation” here. The cat caught a rat on the porch and then some child opened the door to take a look and whoosh-inside ran kitty with the somewhat startled rat-yuck. Cat drops the rat to see it run some more and we have kids, cat and rat in a chase through bedrooms. Never dull here. All types of caravans.
So are you choosy with your kind of excitement…………..