
Somehow it has more meaning in Spanish. It’s one of the cases where this second language requires fewer words to communicate a meaning. Gratefulness translates as a verb in Spanish and the noun part is understood by the ending. Because giving thanks is just that-active. Somehow the English “I am thankful” just communicates a state of being, our current mood, not an active choice to thank God. Gratefulness is the theme for our year at Pinares. It’s the first year we’ve had a theme, but I think it’s an excellent choice. Too often our focus can turn to all the things that we don’t like, but when we choose to give thanks and actively seek out things to be thankful for it makes us focus on the ways God has blessed us instead. These banners are a reminder each day as kids and parents walk up to classrooms. “What can I be thankful for today?” So for today I am thankful for pizza night with friends and teachers, a long weekend ahead (Discovery of the Americas-courtesy of  Mr. Columbus), a chilly morning that reminds me of fall, being able to walk my elementary students to school each day….


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