It’s funny how sometimes a certain smell or a song can take your mind to another place and time. Sunday, as we sat in our little church here on a mountain in Central America, I was suddenly back in Chicago, in a classroom that existed over 25 years ago.
Dr. James taught us the book of Hebrews (some irony there). Every day as we began class, he would ask in that deep voice that ended in a whistle (like gopher in the Winnie the Pooh series) if someone had a favorite hymn request for the day. Alan liked to chose ones where the old English words were a mystery. What’s a bulwark anyways, Sir? Then there was always the guy who thought himself funny choosing “God of Concrete” because it sounded like the Underdog theme song. But one of my favorites was “Wonderful the Matchless Grace of Jesus.”
I had grown up with these hymns as a kid. Moving in high school, our new church sang fewer hymns. Gone were the Sunday nights when the older folks in the congregation called out favorites and we were aquainted with the classics, rich in theology. Singing them again as a young adult in Bible school was like going back. And now here, over twenty-five years later, even in Spanish, the words and blend of voices were a treat.
Suddenly I was that young kid again whose only care was doing well on exams. I knew my role and the expectations of those around me. True, my finances were limited, but so were those of most of the other kids and having peers after being the oldest one in our church’s youth group was great. There were always enough members of the glee club in class to carry out the harmony. I didn’t realize then how much of a treat it would be, but it’s a memory that remains and comes to the forefront to be enjoyed over and over again.
That matchless grace has carried us halfway round the world and back again. Through building a business only to lose it. Through the ups and downs of raising 8 beautiful gifts. Hearing the melody about His matchless grace still gives me chills. And 25+ years later I still praise His name.