Keeper of the Keys

While most of the North American teachers have headed home for a break, summer is just gearing up in the Cochran household. We’re pet sitting for 2 rabbits, a cat, a turtle, and a fish, watering plants and starting cars. We’ve also had a continual line of kids in and out because good friends are in the process of packing up to move to another country after a brief time stateside. This in the midst of cramming each day to teach a year of classes in just 4 weeks of summer school. This year there is the wrench in the works that students have to pass the exam their teacher prepared for them so I’m trying to discern exactly what I need to teach and how to prepare them for this.

Meanwhile there’s normal life. Our week of birthdays is fast approaching. Yes, family planning hubby jokes to have 4 birthdays in a week’s time. Sent a package off to the US for son #2 for his day. Planning a special weekend event for the older girls to celebrate-hard to do when your friends are all on break so you get to celebrate sweet 16 with the family. Not Disney but real life here in Central America.

We have 2 kids in basketball camp every day and one who has graciously agreed to babysit for the four weeks. We’re hoping for some visitors from home sometime soon. Meanwhile I had begun the project of simplifying life just prior to all this chaos and so the house is a bit of a wreck…..So we continue on. Keeping the pieces together and holding the keys for now.

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