Keep Moving Forward

There are days when trying to finish one job just lead to three more.  When you decide to tackle the mounds of laundry and find there’s no more soap (so you dig out the makings for laundry soap) and while you are there you notice the floor cleaner and remember that bottle was also empty.

Then while the laundry soap is melting you look out and see that the poor hummingbirds have nothing to eat so you leave the dishes again and put some sugar and water in a pan, because it might as well boil while you stand and do dishes and the soap simmers…. then while you clean the feeders, because they smelled nasty and it’s a wonder you didn’t kill the hummingbirds you see the trash again that is strewn around the yard (you stepped over it when you went for the soap fixings) and you wish that you could find a slingshot in the boys’ things to take care of those trash picking stray dogs.

Thinking of the boy reminds you that you left the sandwich components out on the other counter after making him a hurried sandwich before school and you return those to the fridge, but while it’s open you might as well get a glass of iced tea-unfortunately the pitcher is empty which means you need to make more and when you go to put water on to boil you see the water jug is also empty and you have to hoist a new 5 gallon bottle up and where are those strong teenagers who used to do this for you? You haven’t talked to them lately, maybe you should call, or are they in classes now?

Yes, a Mother’s mind is often like the children’s book about giving a mouse a cookie. One thing leads to another and multitasking can quickly become ADD. And I can spend my morning fussing at everyone who didn’t do what they were supposed to and left Mom to fix it or I can thank God for these ones who create the mess because I know from experience that the time is far too short.

How is it possible that those years with 3 muddy boys have morphed into these with little girls who play school and want to paint my nails for me? The boys who when left to their own devices found an open can of paint and decided to help….and I read an old letter Dad sends me and laugh that those 3 could leave me overwhelmed almost to tears and now the tears come when I think of their own separate lives.

So on days when there’s too much to do I claim the words of Elizabeth Elliot and, “just do the next thing,” and as boys #2 would be proud to quote, I “keep moving forward.”

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